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Service Tax

In absence of statement of claim by workman, reference in Q. left unanswered.

In absence of statement of claim by workman, reference in Q. left unanswered.

Services of Sh. Dhirender Singh & 6 others have been terminated. It filed suit alleging same has been illegally and/or unjustifiably done by management. Court held, No statement of claim has come on record. In absence of any statement of claim by workman this Court finds it unable to answer reference in Q. Thus, this Court is left with no option but to terminate present proceedings at this stage & return reference qua workman unanswered.

Facts in Brief:
1.Services of Sh. Dhirender Singh & 6 others (Annexure A) have been terminated.

2.It filed suit alleging that the same has been illegally and/or unjustifiably done by the management.

Court held as under:

3.No statement of claim has come on record. In the absence of any statement of claim by the workman this Court finds it unable to answer the reference in question. Thus, this Court is left with no option but to terminate the present proceedings at this stage and return the reference qua workman unanswered / undecided.