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Hi,I am a software engineer. Last week, i was lai…

Hi,I am a software engineer. Last week, i was laid off as part of a restructuring activity at the c…


I am a software engineer. Last week, i was laid off as part of a restructuring activity at the company and I was promised a severance package equal to 10 months of base pay + payment for unavailed leave.

I am currently searching for a new job. Once i get a new job, will my on hand salary reduce? My query is "should i pay tax at 30% once I get a new job?"... or how does the logic work? can someone help me ?

Himavamshi Sep. 06, 2019

Hello Chandrasekar, If you worked in a company for continuous 3years and also unexpired portion of employemnt is not less than 3 years, you can claim relief u/s 89 by filing form 10E.