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What is the relationship of fixture of strategy w…

What is the relationship of fixture of strategy with the quality of implementation.?

What is the relationship of fixture of strategy with the quality of implementation.?

Jeeba Mar. 09, 2018

The formulation of strategy is just the beginning, there are so many constraints that have implication on the operation after the strategy formluation.

But that doesn’t mean strategy computation is futile, it is still the base for any business processes and without it, frankly, business processess will barely meet their goals.

So, strategy formulation is very important in this sense. And an entity should be careful while implementing these strategies into action. Prior to the implementation of strategy, organisations have to consider resource allocation, design structures, formulate functional policies, and take into account the leadership styles required, besides dealing with various other issues.

 It is crucial to realize the difference between strategy formulation and strategy implementation because they both require very different skills. Also, a company will be successful only when the strategy formulation is sound and implementation is excellent. There is no such thing as successful strategic design. This sounds obvious, but in practice the distinction is not always made.