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Could you please explain shortly the importance o…

Could you please explain shortly the importance of proper exclusion of strategy in strategic manage…

Could you please explain shortly the importance of proper exclusion of strategy in strategic management.

Jeeba Mar. 09, 2018

The formulation of strategy is just the beginning, there are so many constraints that have implication on the operation after the strategy formluation.

Strategy implementation requires the whole organisational efforts to do in action. Otherwise, simply it will be a organisational dreams. And, since Strategy itself does not lead to any action, implementation is necessary to realise these strategy as an action.

Strategic implementation is concerned with translating a decision into action, with presupposes that the decision itself was made with some thought being given to feasibility and acceptability. The allocation of resources to new courses of action will need to be undertaken, and there may be a need for adapting the organization’s structure to handle new activities as well as training personnel and devising appropriate system. There are situations where an organisation formulates a very competitive strategy, but is showing difficulties in implementing it successfully. This can be due to various factors, such as the lack of experience, the lack of necessary resources, missing leadership and so on. Unless corrective actions are taken the strategy will fail.