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Me and my wife held fixed deposits worth Rs25 lak…

Me and my wife held fixed deposits worth Rs25 lakhs with banks. My wife was the first holder and I …

Me and my wife held fixed deposits worth Rs25 lakhs with banks. My wife was the first holder and I am second holder, they are in any one or survivor mode. The FD matured in December 2017 and some would mature in March 2018. My wife passed away at the age of 84years in Jan 2013. When I asked the banker to liquidate those FD, bankers asked me to wait till maturity. Banks used to deduct TDS on these deposits and she was not a tax payer. I am a tax payer. Please suggest me on how should I pay taxes once I liquidate those fixed deposits at the time of maturity. Please remember that I am the second holder. Please advise whether I have to pay the taxes for the previous years on those FDs as she didn't pay taxes, as she didn't fall under tax net while she was alive.