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Why is a common man scared of paying taxes

Why is a common man scared of paying taxes

Because of unawareness

The taxes that we pay is the income of our country. Our country uses this money in country’s development. Development means constructing and developing infrastructure (roads, power houses ..), maintaining judiciary etc.. And thus the government returns back all the money it took, to us.


Then why does a common man feel  Why is a common man so scared of tax law? Have you ever thought of it? Recently, I have been thinking of it; I thought of sharing my views on it;


Although I agree that tax law is not very simple but it is not that complicated too; Rather, most of the tax law is quite simple; Then, why does it look to be complicated? The only reason that I could imagine, is UNAWARENESS. If unawareness is the only reason, then google is a good tool to get rid of Unawareness. Then why are the common men scared? In fact, although google gets us the information (kills unawareness) but the ghost of AUTHENTICITY still remains

Yes, a common man is unaware