The company has to inform the appointment of an auditor to the registrar of companies within 15 of his appointment filing form ADT-1.
And the SRN of ADT-1 has to mentioned in form AOC-4.
In the case of the first auditor,
it is not mandatory to mention the same.
As the SRN of ADT-1 is a mandatory requirement in AOC-4, you can fill Z99999999 fill in place of SRN.
Please mark your satisfactory level...
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I thank you for marking the answer as satisfactory.
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It will be very nice and helpful to our other members (and the answerer too) if you mark your satisfaction level on the grade scale below.
Please feel free to mark any point. I don't share it with anyone. I use it for doing my internal calculations only. I use these calculations to evaluate the service performance of the relevant virtuoso.
Here is the grade scale:
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Anu, Thakurani's bestie