If you have not filed the DIR-3 KYC form with the MCA within the due date, you may still file the form with a late fee.
Here are the steps to file DIR-3 KYC form after the due date has lapsed:
Step 1: Login to the MCA portal: Go to the MCA portal and login with your credentials.
Step 2: Click on ‘DIR-3 KYC’ Form: Click on the ‘DIR-3 KYC’ Form link under the ‘MCA Services’ tab.
Step 3: Fill in the details: Fill in the required details, such as your DIN, name, date of birth, PAN, and contact details, etc.
Step 4: Upload documents: Upload the required documents such as a self-attested PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport, and a recent photograph.
Step 5: Pay the fees: Pay the late fees for filing the form. As per the current rules, the late fee for filing DIR-3 KYC after the due date is Rs. 5,000.
Step 6: Submit the Form: Once you have filled in all the required details and uploaded the documents, submit the form.
After the submission of the form, the authorities will verify it, and if there are no discrepancies or errors, MCA will update your DIN in the MCA Records.
It is important to note that if you do not file the DIR-3 KYC form even after the due date has lapsed, your DIN may be deactivated, which may cause difficulties in doing business and filing other forms with the MCA. Therefore, it is advisable to file the form as soon as possible with the late fee to avoid any further consequences.
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