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Sir,We are filling Mgt-7 for a company. It has tw…

Sir,We are filling Mgt-7 for a company. It has two directors. While pre-scrutinizing the form, it a…


We are filling Mgt-7 for a company. It has two directors. While pre-scrutinizing the form, it appears that one of director is not associated to the company. But we have already filed DIR-12 for the director. Please guide us how we can proceed the form.

Kanishka Jan. 04, 2019

Please follow these 10 steps:

  1. Please open MGT 7.
  2. Go to point no. VIII (B) (i) - Details of Directors....
  3. Note the designation of director (in question)
  4. Now, please open DIR 12.
  5. Go to point number 1 (ix).
  6. Note the designation.
  7. Please compare the designations in point # 3 and point # 6.
  8. Are they different?
  9. If yes, then please correct the designation in MGT 7.
  10. Try refiling MGT 7.

In most cases, designation difference causes rejection.

If the above doesn't solve your problem, then please ask again.

Please don't forget to connect this query with the next one that you post.
