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As my friend's salary is below the taxable limit,…

As my friend's salary is below the taxable limit, her employer does not deduct any TDS. She wants t…

As my friend's salary is below the taxable limit, her employer does not deduct any TDS. She wants to apply for bank loan. The banker is asking for form 16. What should she do?

Kanishka Apr. 24, 2018

"Employers report their employees' salary and TDS to income tax department in form 24Q.

They can issue complete form 16 to any employee if they have included the employee's name in form 24Q.

So your friend should immediately rush to her employer. And ask the employer to include her name in their salary TDS returns (Form 24Q).

Rush because
- employers should deposit salary TDS returns (for the year 2017-18) before May 31, 2018.
- and if they include her name in 24Q then only they can issue complete form 16."