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The auditor of ABC Ltd. did not report on the mat…

The auditor of ABC Ltd. did not report on the matters specified in sub-section (1) of Section 143 o…

The auditor of ABC Ltd. did not report on the matters specified in sub-section (1) of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013, as he was satisfied that no comment is required. Can he do this ?

Kanishka Feb. 09, 2018

Section 143(1) of the Act deals with duties of an auditors requiring auditor to make an enquiry in respect of specified matters. The matters in respect of which the enquiry has to be made by the auditor include relating to loans and advances, transactions represented merely by book entries, investments sold at less than cost price, loans and advances shown as deposits, etc.

Since the law requires the auditor to make an enquiry, the Institute opined that the auditor is not required to report on the matters specified in sub-section (1) unless he has any special comments to make on any of the items referred to therein. If the auditor is satisfied as a result of the enquiries, he has no further duty to report that he is so satisfied. Therefore, the auditor of ABC Ltd. is correct in non reporting on the matters specified in Section 143(1).