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Please explain the differences between operationa…

Please explain the differences between operational control and management control.

Please explain the differences between operational control and management control.

Chiranjibi Mar. 21, 2018

The thrust of operational control is on individual tasks or transactions as against total or more aggregative management functions.

When compared with operational, management control is more inclusive and more aggregative, in the sense of embracing the integrated activities of a complete department, division or even entire organisation, instead or mere narrowly circumscribed activities of sub-units.

For example, procuring specific items for inventory is a matter of operational control, in contrast to inventory management as a whole. 

Many of the control systems in organisations are operational and mechanistic in nature. A set of standards, plans and instructions are formulated.

On the other hand the basic purpose of management control is the achievement of enterprise goals – short range and long range – in an effective and efficient manner.