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How a corporate culture may be both strength and …

How a corporate culture may be both strength and weakness of an organisation?

How a corporate culture may be both strength and weakness of an organisation?

Jeeba Mar. 09, 2018

Corporate culture refers to a company’s values, beliefs, business principles, traditions, and ways of operating and internal work environment. How an organisation functions and manage its operation is largely depends in its organisational culture. Thus, organisational culture can be weakness or strength of an organisation.

Corporate culture as a strength: Organisational culture facilitates the smooth flow of communication within an organisation. An organization’s culture could be strong and cohesive when it conducts its business according to clear and explicit set of principles and values, which the management devotes considerable time to communicating to employees and which values are shared widely across the organisation.

Corporate culture as a weakness: Culture, as a weakness can obstruct the smooth implementation of strategy by creating resistance to change. An organization’s culture could be characterised as weak when many sub-cultures exists, few values and behavioural norms are shared and traditions are rare. In such organizations, employees do not have a sense of commitment, loyalty and sense of identity.