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If I have found some lost goods on a road, what w…

If I have found some lost goods on a road, what will be my liability??

If I have found some lost goods on a road, what will be my liability??

Chiranjibi Aug. 11, 2018

If you find something on the road, first you make sure it won't explode. Safety first.

Coming to the point, if you find goods that belong to someone else, you will try to find the owner of the goods. If you can track down, you will hand over the goods, but you can claim all the expenses you incurred to find the owner. If the owner refuse to pay your legitimate expenses, you can sell the goods at arms length price (the market rate), recover your expenses, and hand over the remaining amount to the owner.

If you don't find him even after you searched him, you will have a better claim on that goods than everyone in this world, except the true owner of the goods. So, you can sell them or keep them, it's up to you.