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How would you as an auditor assess the reliabilit…

How would you as an auditor assess the reliability of internal control system in Computerised Infor…

How would you as an auditor assess the reliability of internal control system in Computerised Information System (CIS) environment?

Kanishka Feb. 08, 2018

Reliability of Internal Control System in CIS Environment: For evaluating the reliability of internal control system in CIS environment, the auditor would consider the following-

  1. That authorised, correct and complete data is made available for processing.
  2. That it provides for timely detection and corrections of errors.
  3. That in case of interruption due to mechanical, power or processing failures, the system restarts without distorting the completion of entries and records.
  4. That it ensures the accuracy and completeness of output.
  5. That it provides security to application softwares & data files against fraud etc.
  6. (vi) That it prevents unauthorised amendments to programs