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How would you as an auditor distinguish between R…

How would you as an auditor distinguish between Reports and Certificates?

How would you as an auditor distinguish between Reports and Certificates?

Kanishka Feb. 09, 2018

The term 'certificate', is a written confirmation of the accuracy of the facts stated therein and does not involve any estimate or opinion. When an auditor certifies a financial statement, it implies that the contents of that statement can be measured and that the auditor has vouchsafed the exactness of the data. The term certificate is, therefore, used where the auditor verifies certain exact facts. . An auditor's certificate represents that he has verified certain precise figures and is in a position to vouch safe their accuracy as per the examination of documents and books of account.

On the other hand, an auditor's report is an expression of opinion. When we say that an auditor is reporting, we imply that he is expressing an opinion on the financial statements.The term report implies that the auditor has examined relevant records in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and that he is expressing an opinion whether or not the financial statements represent a true and fair view of the state of affairs and of the working results of an enterprise. Since an auditor cannot guarantee that the figures in the Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss are absolutely precise, he cannot certify them. Therefore, the term certificate cannot be used in connection with these, statements.

Thus, when a reporting auditor issues a certificate, he is responsible for the factual accuracy of what is stated therein. On the other hand, when a reporting auditor gives a report, he is responsible for ensuring that the report is based factual data, that his opinion is in due accordance with facts, and that it is arrived at by the application of due care and skill.