.......I am director of a pvt company and receives professional fees from company u/s 194J. The com…
.......I am director of a pvt company and receives professional fees from company u/s 194J. The company has paid 2.5L in FY 14-15 and remaining 3.5L is pending to be paid. The company has also deducted tds 25000 and issued form 16A to me. I have a sole-proprietor business with gross turnover 42000 in FY 14-15 and comes u/s 44AD as presumptive income. I also had income of 2000 from book royalty. Please answer these queries related to above issue: 1) Which ITR form to use for FY 14-15 (4/4S)? 2) Which heading professional fees from company be shown (Income from business/salary/other sources)? 3) Which heading sole-proprietor business income be shown (Income from business)? 4) Which heading book royalty be shown (Income from other sources)? 5) Which schedule TDS1 or TDS2 be filled in form? 6) Is it correct to pay director u/s 194J and issue form 16A ? 7) Do i need to pay tax for total income of 6L from company or only 2.5L received in FY 14-15?