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The Strategic Control

The Strategic Control

Organisations formulate strategy in order to develop a framework to achieve their business goals. In this sense, the strategic plan provides the guideline for the organization to facilitate the coordination among employees.

The success of strategy formulation is solely determined by how an organisation scans its business environment. And it depends on how an organisation utilizes its financial and human resource to attain a strategic advantage over the market.

It is obvious that formulation of plans or strategies is only the basic step to manage an organisation.

So, the organisation should be focused on the relevance of the strategy formulated earlier. It also has to make adjustments and modifications considering the present and expected future conditions. This is the primary reason why an organisation should regularly monitor its strategy.

What is the necessity of strategic control?

The primary requirement of strategic control is to ensure the perfect functioning of every aspect of an organisation and removing or improving process that are constraints on the business goals.

The business environment is dynamic and continuously changing in nature. Changes occurred in business environment bring both threats and opportunities.

Therefore, an organisation has to continuously analyse their business environment, and control and monitor its business strategies considering the circumstances that exist in the bsuiness environment.

What is strategic control?

Strategic control is the core of the management process and it is one of the primary functions of the management. In addition, it is a top-level management function which ensurse smooth flow of operation within an organisation.

It aims to achieve fruitful results by monitoring the strategy as it is being implemented, detecting any problem areas, and making any necessary adjustments to ensure desired results.

To be precise, it is a business process that leads an organisation towards the way of predetermined organisational goals.

Control is intended to regulate and check structure and condition, the behaviour of events and people, norms and standards, measure progress established to keep the system on track.

It focused on what is the plan that it  has to translate into desired results, while keeping a watch on the use of resources, safeguarding of assets and so on.

The control function involves monitoring the activity and measuring results against pre-established standards, analysing and correcting deviations as necessary and maintaining the system.

Strategic control in itself enforces the organisation to identify the problems that are constraints to the success and improve them to cope with the demands of organisational growth and development.

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