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How fraudsters cheat you millions using Pump and Dump Scheme?

How fraudsters cheat you millions using Pump and Dump Scheme?

Fraudsters, patiently, strategically, win investors' confidence, back stab them and run away with their money.

Think like this.

A company just came in the market. It's getting a lot of promotion. It launched its IPO and now its shares are available in the market for the public.

Now you get an SMS that this company's stock is booming and this SMS message makes you believe that this company's stock is hot pick.

There's a catch in it.

This SMS is sent not only to you, but to lacs of people like you.

Now you and millions like you believe in that SMS and buy those shares.

The price of this particular script starts surging.

Watching this... so many other people also jump and start buying the shares.

This further shoots up the price. THIS is called PUMP.

Now when the price is rising, manipulators start selling their shares and earning profits. This is called DUMP.

Then one day, after earning a big profit, they suddenly disappear. And now share price falls...falls...and falls...

But the fraudsters have already eloped with public money...

This is how the pump and dump scheme works.

Fraudsters, patiently, strategically, win investors' confidence, back stab them and run away with their money.

Did you notice why this scheme worked? It worked because of our carelessness?

We didn't take out time to analyse or research share specifics and fell and easy prey of market movements.

That's why our resources should be reliable.

Whenever we get hot tips, we should first analyze them.

Analysing is damn simple. Read it in my this ripple.