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Please explain the sources of revenue of a local …

Please explain the sources of revenue of a local body.

Please explain the sources of revenue of a local body.

Chiranjibi Feb. 12, 2018

Property taxes and octroi are the major sources of revenue of the municipal authorities; other municipal taxes are profession tax, non-mechanised vehicles tax, taxes on advertisements, taxes on animals and boats, tolls, show-tax, etc. Local bodies may receive different types of grants from the state administration as well. Broadly, the revenue grants are of three categories:

(a) General purpose grants: These are primarily intended to substantially bridge the gap between the needs and resources of the local bodies.

(b) Specific purpose grants: These grants which are tied to the provision of certain services or performance of certain tasks.

(c) Statutory and compensatory grants: These grants, under various enactments, are given to local bodies as compensation on account of loss of any revenue on taking over a tax by state government from local government.