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From where MF will pay dividend to Investors?

From where MF will pay dividend to Investors?

From where MF will pay dividend to Investors?

Arpit Feb. 07, 2018

Basically, when you invest funds in a mutual fund scheme, MF further invest such funds in equity/debt. The return earned on such investment is the profit that belongs to you. Now MF have 2 options. Either to retain profit or to pay back the profit to you.

Frequency is not fixed. Schemes can announce dividend monthly, quarterly, or annually. It’s like schemes have fixed a base NAV, say Rs 10 and a Target NAV say Rs 13. Now when scheme performs and NAV reaches at Rs 13, MF will pay out Rs 3 as dividend. So you receive. So you receive Rs 3 and simultaneously the NAV will back to Rs 14.