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Can an entity completely ignore its business envi…

Can an entity completely ignore its business environment and still succeed in the market? What type…

Can an entity completely ignore its business environment and still succeed in the market? What type of relationship exists between the two?

Chiranjibi Mar. 22, 2018

A business does not function in isolation, rather, it acts as a sub-system of its environment consisting of society, economy, laws, competitors and so on. Business draws certain inputs from environment in form of resources and information and transforms them into outputs.

The relationship between the organization and its environment may be discussed in terms of interactions between them that can be broadly outlined as below:

Exchange of information:

The organization scans the external environmental variables, their behaviour and changes, generates important information and uses it for its planning, decision-making and control purposes.

On the other hand, the organization itself transmits information to several external agencies either voluntarily, inadvertently or legally.

Exchange of resources:

The organization receives inputs — finance, materials, manpower, equipment etc., from the external environment. It sustains itself by employing the above inputs for involving or producing output of products and services.

The organization is also dependent on the external environment for disposal of its output of products and services to a wide range of clients.

Exchange of influence and power:

The external environment holds considerable power over the organization both by virtue of its being more inclusive as also by virtue of its command over resources, information and other inputs.

The external environment is also in a position to impose its will over the organization. Governmental control, competitors, customers, suppliers, investors etc., exercise considerable power and influence over the organization.

In turn, the organization itself is sometimes in a position to wield power and influence over the external environment by virtue of its command over resources and information.