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Define the Corporate Strategy? How would you argu…

Define the Corporate Strategy? How would you argue that 'corporate strategy' ensures the correct al…

Define the Corporate Strategy? How would you argue that 'corporate strategy' ensures the correct alignment of the firm with its environment'?

Chiranjibi Mar. 08, 2018

Corporate Strategy is concerned with how companies, like Disney, create value across different businesses. It takes as given the RC lessons on competitive strategy, and asks how the corporation can add value over and above that which a business unit creates by itself.

Corporate strategies are concerned with the broad and long-term questions of what businesses the organization is in or wants to be in, and what it wants to do with those businesses. They set the overall direction the organization will follow. It serves as the design for filling the strategic planning gap.

It also helps to build the relevant competitive advantages. A right fit between the organisation and its external environment is the primary contribution of corporate strategy. Basically the purpose of corporate strategy is to harness the opportunities available in the environment and countering the threats embedded therein. With the help of corporate strategy, organizations match their unique capabilities with the external environment so as to achieve its vision and mission.