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Explain,what tips can you offer to write a ‘right…

Explain,what tips can you offer to write a ‘right’ Mission Statements?

Explain,what tips can you offer to write a ‘right’ Mission Statements?

Chiranjibi Mar. 08, 2018

Mission statements broadly describe an organization's present capabilities, customer focus, activities, and business makeup. Following points are useful while writing mission of a company: 

  • Good mission statements are highly personalized – unique to the organization for which they are developed.
  • One of the roles of a mission statement is to give the organization its own special identity, business emphasis and path for development.
  • A company’s business is defined by what needs it is trying to satisfy, customer groups it is targeting, technologies and competencies it uses and the activities it performs.
  • Technology, competencies and activities are important in defining a company’s business because they indicate the boundaries on its operation.
  • The mission should not be to make profit.