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My client is a broking company and has incurred s…

My client is a broking company and has incurred significant expenses for advertisement in newspaper…

My client is a broking company and has incurred significant expenses for advertisement in newspapers. How do I verify it?

Chiranjibi Mar. 12, 2018

 For a broking company which has incurred significant expenses for advertisement in newspapers, you can consider the following points to verify the amount.

  • Vouch the copy of the newspaper sent by the newspaper/ advertisement agency to ensure that advertisement actually appeared in the newspaper.
  • See the date of advertisement which appeared in the newspaper should fall in the current accounting year.
  • Contents of advertisement should be verified to ascertain that the advertisement was of the entity and was for the business and not of personal nature.
  • Ensure the rate charged with the offer received for rates from newspaper and ensure that the size and placement i.e. page is in accordance with the rate charged.
  • Ensure deduction of TDS and service tax wherever applicable.
  • Ensure that it is printed in all issues of the newspaper for which newspaper has charged.