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  • Asked on Jan. 11, 2021, 6:15 p.m.

    Answered on  April 6, 2023, 3:19 p.m.

    0 Upvote | 172 View | 1 Reply | Asked to: EveryOne

    If I purchase an electronic good from abroad (say US), can I claim a tax refund if I don't intend on using it there (US in this case)?

    You see, It depends on the country's tax laws and regulations. In general, most countries have tax refund schemes for non-resident tourists who purchase goods and services for personal use during their visit. However, the eligibility criteria, refund rates, and refund procedures vary by country and can be subject to change. For example, United States has no general sales tax refund scheme for foreign visitors. However, some states offer sales tax refunds to international tourists on purchases made during their visit, provided they meet certain conditions. You may need to show proof of your non-resident status, such as your passport and travel itinerary, and meet a minimum purchase requirement to be eligible for a sales tax refund. It's essential to check the tax laws and regulations of the country you're visiting and purchasing goods from to determine your eligibility for a tax refund. It's recommended to consult with a tax professional or seek advice from the relevant authorities to ensure that you comply with all the requirements and procedures.

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  • Asked on March 16, 2015, 3:37 a.m.

    1 Upvote | 560 View | 0 Reply | Asked to: Everybody

    How to purchase custom good from Custom office on low rates, can it be impossible?

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