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News Bulletinby Shashank

  • Summary checklist to know whether a company has become sick.

    Hey everybody, i know you are following my updates and articles regularly. Thanks for having faith in me. As you have read previous updates on sick company. I thought it will be a cool idea if we could all revise the preceding details with the help of a summarised checklist. I am gong to share a checklist if all symptoms mentioned therein holds true for you company then your company might have gotten sick.

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  • Tutorial-4 forms Application for sick company.

    Hey guys !!! If you have seen my tutorial-1 on how to know a company has become sick. You would know that a company shall be deemed to be sick if it is unable to pay its debt on time. In that case application can be made by the creditor either individually or other creditors can give authorization letter to other creditors for representing them in the said case.

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  • Tutorial-3 Scheme of rehabilitation and Winding up.

    In the previous article we talked, the tribunal shall appoint an interim administrator which will be responsible for drafting the rehabilitation scheme along with management. A scheme for revival and rehabilitation shall be prepared by the company administrator as per the provision of section 261. The scheme shall include the following measures.

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  • Tutorial-2 Can a sick company be revived (companies act)

    Hey guys !!! In our previous tutorial we discussed when can a company be declared as a sick company. Now let's suppose a company falls sick. Then what will happen. Will it remain sick or any efforts will be taken to recover its situation. Since a lot of persons are involved in relation to a company. Efforts will be made to revive the same. The following steps will be taken in this case.

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  • Tutorial-1 How to decide a company has become sick (Companies Act 2013).

    Just like human beings companies also fall sick. How do you know you have fallen sick ? If you feel cold or cough then you would think that you are sick. But for a company to be called as sick, a company needs to ful fill certain criteria, for instance if a company is not able to repay its debt, then it may be declared as sick company.

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  • Tutorial- 5 powers and duties of Special directors

    Hey guys, greeting for the day. Attention people, buckle up now, we will today take you to meet a special person with special powers. If you have read the heading clearly then you already would know about whom i am talking about. As discussed earlier the BIFR when thinks it should make inquiry into the affairs of the company, it recruits special director(s).

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  • Tutorial-4 How the BIFR will operate the sick company ?

    Hey guys. In my last article we talked about What is BIFR. Now we will talk after diagnosis of the sickness how the BIFR shall operate the sick company. There is some set pattern used by BIFR to understand the sick company and how it can be treated. First of all BIFR will conduct inquiries about the sick company and understand what is the basic background of the company.

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  • Tutorial-3 Diagnosis, Surgery and operation of a sick company

    Hey people, how are doing today. In my last articles, we learnt about reasons why company becomes sick and some other technical terms. Have you noticed, when a person gets sick then he has to visit the doctors for the diagnosis to know What's wrong with him and what remedies can he take to get himself cured. Similarly, The representatives of the sick company also has to take the said company to a doctor but in this case the doctor is BIFR.

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  • Tutorial-2 Indications of a sick company.

    Hey people, sometimes when you are sick , you think about why you fell sick ? What wrong thing that you ate or you did not wear warm clothes in winter. Similarly, when a company falls sick, there are certain factors that cause. You would wonder what those factors are. Curious are'nt you. In the last article we discussed certain how to know a company has become sick. Here we will tell you the factor that result in sickness of a company.

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  • Tutorial-1 How to know a company has become sick ?

    Hey guys, do you know what a sick company is ? I bet you don't !!! It sounds very funny, how can a company become sick right because it is not a living thing. But if certain circumstances occur over a period of time then a company can be declared a sick company. Be patient we will discuss in detail everything that you are curious to know about it not only how a company can become sick but also what happens if it becomes sick.

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  • Any body can use trademark by the name of KRISHNA.

    Hey professionals, i would like to discuss a matter with you regarding trademark and name availability. In this post we will discuss whether the name of a god can be used in the name of a company along with decided case law. Recently ,i was incorporating a section-8 company for one our client. During the incorporation process we faced a problem regarding the name availability. Our client wanted a name beginning with word 'KRISHNA'. So we filed IN ...

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  • New minimum paid-up capital under companies act.

    Hey guys do any of you people wish to incorporate a new company. I know you are thinking about it. Do you know how minimum paid up capital you need to invest before registering the same. You must be thinking for a private company it is Rs. 1,00,000 and for a public company it is Rs. 5,00,000. Right ??? Here is the fun fact you are wrong. If you still know the above limit then you are not updated.

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  • Tutorial-2 Limitations/Disadvantages of Limited Liability partnership (LLP)

    In tutorial-1 we discussed few of the limitations or disadvantages of a Limited Liability Partnership(LLP). In this tutorial we are going to further explore few more limitations of a LLP.

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  • Tutorial-1 Limitations/Disadvantages of Limited Liability partnership (LLP)

    Understanding the limitations and perks of anything would help the individuals get the additional perspective of related matter. Specially the The entrepreneur needs to understand these things quite in details as it may create various stumbling blocks, which may delay breakthrough related to Startup growth. Here in this article we would explore some of the limitations or disadvantages that would help any related entrepreneur avoid possible future ...

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  • Tutorial-1 Are there any standards on internal auditing ?

    Standard mean something (benchmark ) which provides guidance on how to measure certain things or provide a basis for comparison. Standards for statutory audit which are prescribed by the ICAI. Similarly, standards on internal audit are prescribed both by and Institute of internal auditor (IIA) and ICAI. In general terms, SIA are set of systematic guidelines used by internal auditors to ensure the accuracy, consistency and verifiability.

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