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Is missionary and preacher the same thing? while …

Is missionary and preacher the same thing? while filing the form for Mr Director, in the profession…

Is missionary and preacher the same thing? while filing the form for Mr Director, in the profession field, there is missionary but no Preacher. Are they one and the same? or not?

Kanishka Apr. 07, 2023

The terms "missionary" and "preacher" are not exactly the same, although there is some overlap in their meanings.

A missionary is someone who is sent by a religious organization to a foreign country or region to spread their religious beliefs and provide assistance to the local people. A missionary may engage in a range of activities, including preaching, teaching, social work, and evangelism.

A preacher, on the other hand, is someone who delivers sermons or religious speeches to a congregation or group of people, with the aim of teaching and inspiring them with their religious message.

While both a missionary and a preacher may engage in preaching and teaching activities, a missionary typically has a broader scope of work that involves evangelism and social work in addition to preaching.

Coming to the second part of your question, if there is no option for "Preacher" in the profession field while filing the form for Mr. Director, you can select "Missionary" as the closest option that fits their profession. However, if you are unsure about the appropriate option to select, you can consider seeking clarification from the relevant authority or professional advisor