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Explain the meaning of Strategic Business Unit?

Explain the meaning of Strategic Business Unit?

Explain the meaning of Strategic Business Unit?

Chiranjibi Mar. 08, 2018

In business, a strategic business unit (SBU) is a profit center which focuses on product offering and market segment. SBUs typically have a discrete marketing plan, analysis of competition, and marketing campaign, even though they may be part of a larger business entity.

An SBU may be a business unit within a larger corporation, or it may be a business into itself or a branch. Corporations may be composed of multiple SBUs, each of which is responsible for its own profitability.

in other words, a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) is a unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives which can be planned independently from other company businesses. SBU can be a company division, a product line within a division or even a single product/brand, specific group of customers or geographical location. The SBU is given the authority to make its own strategic decisions within corporate guidelines as long as it meets corporate objectives.